21 September 2005

Volume 3: Tuomas Laurinen, Shamanviolin

For this week's 19 Minutes: The Podcast, we get out our ethnomusicologist's hat (we think it looks like a touque) and flash back almost exactly one year ago to an interview with Finnish composer, film director, and ethnomusicologist Tuomas Laurinen. Laurinen spoke about shamanistic music, much of it from northern European cultures that have dwindled, or disappeared entirely.

As always, ignore the backannounce at the end, just in case you were planning on trying to make it to the concert.

19 Minutes: The Podcast, Volume 3

Direct audio link: http://jan.ucc.nau.edu/~mct/podcasts/shamanviolin.mp3

15 September 2005

Volume 2: Nolan McKelvey and 33

This week's "19 Minutes: The Podcast" flashes all the way back to this spring, and an interview with Nolan McKelvey and bandmate Andrew Lauher, just as McKelvey's album, "After the Roses" was being released to the screaming and teeming masses.

As always, ignore the reference to the upcoming concert in the backannounce - ignore it, too, because I had a cold that left me sounding (more) nasal when I voiced it.

19 Minutes: The Podcast, Volume 2

Direct audio link:

07 September 2005

Volume 1: Alison Brown

Hello, and welcome to 19 Minutes Past the Hour's burgeoning media empire. We're going to inaugurate 19 Minutes: The Podcast with a 2003 interview with Alison Brown. As I say, it's from 2003, so you can ignore the backannounce at the end referencing her upcoming concerts. And on the (likely) chance I haven't figured out how to set up this podcasting business correctly, thanks for your patience, and stop by again soon.

19 Minutes: The Podcast - Volume 1

Direct audio link: http://jan.ucc.nau.edu/~mct/podcasts/alisonbrown.mp3